I had the honor to be a guest contributor in the Love series for The Round Farmhouse Ministries. I pray you are encouraged as you read my post. May this story prompt you to listen and respond to God's quiet whispers, you never know who you will impact!
Pressing in and being obedient to the Lord, blessed me greatly, and more importantly, my small act of obedience blessed others beyond anything I could have imagined.
Make sure to follow The Round Farmhouse Ministries on Instagram and Facebook, their daily posts are a blessing and encouragement.
“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” 1 John 3:18 NLT
As we learn in 1 John, the Lord uses us through our obedience to show His love to others. One example of this happened to me a year ago. One simple act of showing Jesus’ love multiplied beyond my expectation.
I purchased a handmade bracelet for myself for Christmas called “A Daughter of the King;” it was a simple bracelet made by a fellow believer. I wore it almost daily, it went with everything! I loved looking at the daily reminder that I am a daughter of the Most High King!

Four months later while at a conference I sat at a lunch table with ladies, most of whom I hadn’t met before. After a brief conversation, I had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to give this bracelet away to one of the ladies I just met. Admittedly I argued with God saying, “But God it will look strange for me to give this bracelet to her, I just met her!” and “God I really like this bracelet, I just bought it!” Needless to say, the Lord continued pressing me to give the bracelet away. So I awkwardly stood up and walked around the table, interrupting a conversation even which is uncharacteristic for me.
“I heard the Lord say that I am supposed to give this bracelet to you; it is called ‘Daughter of the King.’”
She was silent and I felt even more embarrassed. Then with tears in her eyes, she said her very first blog article was called “Daughter of the King.” She said this was confirmation that she needed to go back to writing.
Wow, Lord!
I could immediately see how this simple action had a big impact. Then I started welling up too! I also had to apologize to God for arguing with Him, He always knows how to lovingly impact others around us, we just need to pause and listen for His direction!
The story did not end there!
Two weeks later, I received a note from my new friend who received the bracelet. She said she woke up Easter morning
and heard the Lord tell her that she was to give the new bracelet to someone at church. My friend sat through all THREE services that day. It wasn’t until the end of the third service that she had a sense of who the bracelet was for. During the altar call, the Lord whispered to my friend that she was to give the bracelet to a beautiful teen girl who was desperately seeking Jesus and had just dedicated her life to Jesus.
My simple action of listening to the Lord to give my little bracelet away impacted not one but two lives by sharing the love of Jesus with actions.
A few short weeks later I learned that the teen girl was baptized! She was still wearing the bracelet!
Thank you, Lord for using us to show your Love!
When I learned of the baptism, God reminded me that was showing me His love for me. Even though I gave away this bracelet reluctantly, the Lord still blessed me! I actually won THREE new bracelets! God is all about love and multiplication!!
Dear Jesus, thank you for loving each and every one of us! May you use us today in special ways to show your love to others that desperately need to tangibly feel Your love. We pray that you remove obstacles that may be in the way of us sharing your love. Lord, please open our ears to hear you more today. May my actions today be used as a catalyst for others to know you and in turn share your love. In Jesus name, Amen!
Let’s ask the Lord today how He can use us to show His love to others.
*photo courtesy of @inspiration.road, check out her page on Instagram.
Check out the full article here:
May the Lord bless you greatly today,
Christa Joy Spaeth