By Guest Blogger Deborah Rutherford
It was somewhere between night and early morning, and I was between a dream and a vision. Then, I saw Jesus reaching His hand toward me, saying, "Follow me." And off I jumped onto a path surrounded by tall trees - I followed Him.

Down I went on the glorious path following. It was like a beautiful dance, showing me what my waking would be.
Although this dream vision was unique, God plants His love notes everywhere - in beauteous skyscapes, a newborn's eyes, and a touch of kindness.
How do we not fall in love with Jesus, who gives us such moments?
It is not hard because God first loved us; therefore, we can love Him (1 John 4:19).
Each morning, I pray, "Thank you, Father, for your tender loving kindness, your mercies new each day. Today is the day the Lord has made, and I rejoice and am glad."
My Savior met me at my well of deceit, brokenness, rebellion, and sin. He gazed and leaned into me, never saying I needed to do this or that. Right there, where I was like the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus offered me living water. Like Mary Magdalene, He said, daughter, you are healed go and sin no more" Mark 5:34
He took me, made me His, and never stopped.
When fragility, weariness, bitterness, or shame drag on me, Jesus says follow me, for I have transformed, redeemed, and restored you, my child. He teaches me to move in His direction and shows me the path to follow.
Jesus gives us green pastures this side of heaven.
The Lord is our Shepherd and keeps us in His green valley of peace no matter the chaos and the askew of the world. We can live simultaneously in His green pasture near still waters and the fallen world.
When circumstance and difficulties seek to sway us away from His path and green fields - His rod gently protects us, keeping us from straying, slipping, and wolves at bay.

Falling in love with Jesus is easy once we know how much He loves us. But when we have suffered so much hurt, we may find it impossible to believe someone can love us. With the depth of Jesus' love, we are released from our bondage of self-condemnation, suffering, and loss. We soar with our Savior - a bliss that is pure ecstasy.
Together, let's sing Psalm 59:16 right now wherever you are, "But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble" (NKJV).
Jesus is sovereign, all-powerful, and in control of everything. He is our defense, protecting us and our refuge where we are sheltered from our woes.
Cling to your Savior, fall in love, and receive His peace and joy, for although we will have troubles in this world, Jesus has overcome this world (John 16:33).
We can overcome our fear of being loved when we know that Jesus loves us first and no matter what. Simply, He loves us. And not because of anything we have done but because He created us to love us.

Falling in love is miraculous, but it is also a choice. You get to decide who you fall in love with. Why wouldn't you want to fall in love with the one who unconditionally loves you so much that He died for you to redeem you to live eternally with Him?
Who are you choosing to fall in love with?
I am choosing Jesus.

Deborah Rutherford is a Christian wife passionate about Jesus. She is an Emmy recipient for her work in the cinema arts. Deborah writes about the intersection of faith and beauty at, where you will find her blog series and podcast “Behold-Her Beauty.” She has been published in Kingdom Edge Magazine, Gracefully Truthful Ministries, Aletheia Today as well as guest blogs, and has a devotion in the anthology The Lord is My Shepherd, published by Arabelle Publishing. She enjoys a good cup of tea while journaling and Bible study, and as a beauty and wonder seeker, finds her soul-rest on nature walks with God.